Is It Bad That Christians Rave???

"Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God." Galatians 5:19-21
To answer of the title of this blog I would say no, BUT and a big BUT!!!!! What goes on in a club has nothing to do with God, people are having sex which God says sex before marriage is wrong, people are getting drunk where it also says you can drink, but excessive drinking is classed more or less as a sin, and there's people taking drugs where it also says in the Bible your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit so taking drugs is technically a sin. And they're not exactly playing up lifting, positive or gospel music are they lol?? BUT and a very big but if the Spirit is not convicting you, then do as you please. I read this post on Twitter (The picture on top) And I agreed with this person because when we are TRULY born of God, things like raving we cut off because sorry to say clubbing sorry to say is worldly. 

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2 
To me raving is not advisable to do when we come to know Christ, I feel it doesn't benefit me to be there, I don't drink, I don't listen to much secular music nor am I going to fill up my contacts with a loads of girls numbers, not to put anyone down who does this, or big myself up because I'm not perfect nor am I martyr, but what I won't do is be judgemental like the meme is on the top of this paragraph as many Christians who don't rave think they're better than the ones that do. Like I was discussing with a good friend two days ago if a Christian wants to still party they can let them live their movie. But it's what they do in the club is what God will judge them for. For me I went to raves, drink ups and so on and so on during my walk, my heart would beat fast as if were Usain Bolts legs in the Olympics, my spirit was telling me to go home I don't belong here. This was a clear sign of me being convicted. I'm not saying every Christian will feel this because we won't. But this is a way God was speaking to me to leave. I'm a photographer as most of you know I cover many parties where most of this stuff happens but I stay in spirit. (Well I try to, but its hard when so many attractive females are there and asking for pics lol I joke.) But back to the point we always have to stay in spirit and remind ourselves we are not of this world.    

"For the time that is past suffices for doing what the Gentiles want to do, living in sensuality, passions, drunkenness, orgies, drinking parties, and lawless idolatry." 1 Peter 4:3
Look at the image on top of this paragraph, to me this feels wrong why is the word next to shot cups? This is what it like when I'm in a party, rave or when I've gone to one. This is how I feel when I hear that my Christian friends say they rave. I don't judge them, but to me a Christian in rave is like a needle in a haystack. We have no place there, we could easily fall into sin, temptation we could fall into a fight as these places are dangerous how many times do we hear of people dying in the raves, imagine we loose our Salvation in a rave?? Also what testimony do we set by going to raves non-believers wont take our faith seriously. You may think I'm being scary, harsh or being over the top but I really agree with this, because I remember my ex youth pastor giving his testimony, about when he first started in his faith and was still partying he tried to tell someone in the club about Jesus they laughed at him and told him how can he tell him about Jesus if he's in a club and doing the same thing they're doing. This was years ago and this part of his testimony stuck with me because it made sense, how can we say we know God, we're full of his Grace but we're in club and we're doing the same things as people of the world, are doing such as drinking, daggering, flirting with the opposite sex then try to talk someone about Jesus. 9/10 times They won't listen because people do not see the fruits. This has happened to me I was at a new years party and saw my friend, the way she got onto me she was like "How can you be here, doing this and that but yet you go church and preach blah blah" baring in mind she was joking, but my spirit convicted me because she was right, it made me think I wasn't showing a good testimony even though I was at the party for business reasons but I was chatting girls *looks embarrassed*. I don't want this blog to accuse Christians who rave, because you're not sinning, but if the partying lifestyle takes you away from your faith then it's a problem. which it does with many,not that I'm saying it does to you particular. I remember one of my Twitter followers telling she even saw spirits and ran out which goes to show why raving is not for Christians. But I pray God does show you guys why it's not advisable to do. I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm not saying it's bad I just feel it's not advisable if it can contaminate our faith in Christ. 

Till Next week guys, I'll see you soon thanks for reading my blog.   


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