Know Your Yoke

"Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?" 2 Corinthians 6:14
This is topic like raving, like music is a very debatable issue. It's not wrong, its not considered a sin (depending what you do with them.) but dating someone whose not Christian is not advisable. "But Ayo we can't help who we like" "It's not that deep" (How I hate this saying, it's like someone can commit a crime/offence and they use this saying as a "Get out of jail card" kmt lol) Well it is that deep because how can you raise a Christian family if we date outside the faith? How do you grow in your faith whilst in a relationship in your walk if your partner wants nothing to do with God? Simple you can't this is very dangerous for your salvation there's many stories where people have left my church and lost their salvation because of dating someone that's not in the same faith. As Christians "Iron sharpens irons" as the saying goes. You can't be sharpened, if your partner is questioning your faith, if your partner wants to commit fornication or you feel that your far from your walk because of your relationship. I'm not saying every non-Christian will do this because, some will not. Think about it with me the children of God want to wait till marriage to have sex, non Christians don't, the Children of God want other to grow, the non believers don't. So how is dating someone not in the same faith benefiting you? There's even cases where you marry someone of another faith, and your in-laws could potentially force that faith on you. Which is why I don't personally do it.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13:4
"But God is love, so are Christians being shallow now?" To be shallow is not consider someone up to your level because you think "something is wrong with them" Christians who like my self would date/marry people with in the same faith, because we want to grow with our loved ones we want to elevate each other, and God to be centre and bless our relationship. If the relationship is not from God he won't bless it think about it with me, after our salvation, our love life is the most important area in our life, it doesn't make sense if God is in the centre of our relationship with someone who is far and wants nothing to do with Him. Another point of mine is that many marriages break down and are in a bad state because of clash of faiths. Where the children unfortunately are in the centre like a game of tug of war. I believe that in a marriage/partnership where the couple is of the same faith it's easier for that child to follow it, more time if child has to choose between their parents faith and they end up not following any. I'm not saying that we should neglect and sub off non-Christians we show love and be gracious to them but as for relationships I wouldn't recommend it, I'm saying we should have balance. For me I'm dumped my ex because I know the relationship we was having was taking us both far from God, I've cut of many girls I was dealing with because the "situationship" were leading to lust and crippling my spiritual life. Now I'm waiting and preparing myself for the woman of God has set for me, because I don't want to be in a predicament like that again. Like I always say if there's anything or anyone being a threat to your spiritual life cut them off. I know many who ended long-term relationships because they wanted to be close to God, I know many who had to cut of a certain guy and girl they were dealing with to restore their faith answers these last questions for me and you'll know why dating a non-believer is advisable. "Why have many cut off partners to be close to God?" "When I date someone not of God has it worked out?" "Is this person really good for my spiritual life?"  If the answer is no then that's why its advisable to date someone in your faith. 

Until next time guys stay bless.    


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