It's Not Everday Judge

“Come now,  let us reason together, says the Lord though your sins are like scarlet, they  shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. Isaiah 1.18
I was meditating on Romans 14 yesterday, and it was like God was speaking to me, everything I wanted to say in this topic summed up the whole chapter of Christians being as one and helping each other instead of judging and putting each other down. Regardless of what people say (What I’m going to say is very controversial so I do apologize but on the other hand “sorry but not sorry” as they say) the church or your place of worship not everyone is your “family” there “Omds Ayo how can you say this?” I say this because I’ve experienced being back-stabbed and disrespected even judged for my faith, from many church members who I considered as “friends” Just because you go to the same church as someone doesn’t mean they’re your “fam” Just like everyone you’re related doesn’t necessarily mean they’re close family where you’re probably associates from a distance. Don’t think everyone is bad and start being anti social, I’m just saying not everyone in your church and everyone who is Christian has your best interest at heart, even Satan can use people in your own walk against you. 

"Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling". Philippians 2 v12.
Sorry to start this blog blunt and harsh but this is the reality sadly. I’m sick to death of “holier than though” Christians judging others, it sends out the wrong message that Christianity is a faith of condemnation and inferiority instead of peace, love and family values. I know many who left Christianity because they were judged and gossiped about. And this breaks my heart and really DISGUSTS ME, my desire is to confront every Christian on a Phil Mitchell hype and give them a peace of mind. But I know it’s not worth it, it’s because of people judging and gossiping I left my past two previous churches. But I hold nothing against them as we all have flaws and sin but this is a habit that needs to stop. We are all nothing before God. We are all the same before God. We are no better than someone because we have talents or some sort of social status. God see’s us all the same. Hence why this verse on top shows us that we work out our own salvation and faith ourselves and let God convict us NOT MAN! So if anyone tries to judge or put you down because you do wrong then let them cast stones at you if they’re perfect. If not people should close their mouths and look at themselves in mirror and judge their own walk in Christ.

How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Luke 6.42
Do you know what astonishes me and surprises me about Jesus’s ministry when he was here on earth? He was blameless, he was perfect and even though he was all these things, he had every right to judge but He never did. He always showed compassion and still helped many sinners and those who were so far from God. This is why modern day Christianity is a joke to me, I honestly believe it’s not a strong faith as it once was even though we have advantage in this era with technology and stuff that makes it easier to learn and preach the gospel. But we lack love, compassion and being open minded, I’m not saying every Christian is like this on the contrary there’s many Christians like my friends George, Tolu and my Uncle Wale who’s a minister in his church who have always backed me in my walk even though I’ve back slid many times and made many mistakes in my walk. I was one of those Christians who was quick to point the finger and accuse other Christians who would sin all commit the “capital sins” But I learned I do wrong as well I’m a sinner, I do just as bad as someone who commits crimes or practices fornication and I’m not perfect who am I to judge them? Who am I to judge homosexuals? Who am I even to judge criminals? Okay I don’t agree with and do what they do, but that’s for God to judge not me. We are here to be saved, and here to save others even our Christian friends who are back sliding and are lost in the world. Remember Jesus, as I said before had the right to judge but he never, so who are we to be judging and we’re not even perfect like he was? Please like I always emphasize don’t be one of those Christians who drive friends, family and people away from God because of your judgmental ignorance, because if they’re not saved and they go to hell and THEIR BLOOD WILL BE ON YOUR HANDS!!! Learn to love and motivate not hate, judge and put a next Christian down just because they sin differently to you.


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