
There is a problem in modern day Christianity, is that they're corrupt prophets, church members and ushers that are deceiving themselves that they are well with in their faith, when in reality they're not. And this is what the devil is using to brainwash many. People deceive themselves that even though they go to church, do many Christian duties plus hold on to the things of the world, that they're right with God when in fact they're not they're far from Him. I was one of those Christians who was deceived by the devil and my own ignorance. I fell into lust, was rude to my family, was attached to the things of this world, showed a bad testimony, holding on to my sin, but thought I was well, even deceived my self on more than one occasion that I had the Holy Spirit. LOL how deceived was I, sometimes the devil will tells us "It's okay to miss the sermon today, one won't hurt you always attend" "It's okay to sin, you've been doing ...