Christianity And Sadness Don't Mix

I'm going to talk about what most preachers, churches don't talk about in their sermons. In my 10 years of being a Christian I've never heard or seen a pastor talk about sadness, depression and suicide. Well they have but not so much in detail like they do with other topics. Many Christian's are depressed, many Christians deal with deep insecurities, many want to kill themselves as they feel it is the way out of their depression. Well even though it's not talked about much maybe the Holy Spirit has not revealed it to them, I don't know it's not for me to criticise or judge! Even though it's brushed under the carpet in society, then I will speak about it. God did not bring us to be depressed, God did not bring us to suffer sometimes as Christian's we forget there's "test" in "testimony" meaning before we receive heaven in our lives we have to go through hell and tribulations.

Notice in the Bible how many times it says "Do not fear" yet we fear, that's the root of depression, suicidal and sadness, fear that the devil put's in us. I know it's easier said than done, but if I beat depression and not killing myself then you can to!!!! I see and talk to so many Christians who are depressed, who are insecure and it saddens and anger me, that the devil is violating so many of them, where they are in one problem to another, God promised us an abundant life and he also warned us that a life in Christianity will not be easy. I thank God that he's turned my life around, I thank Him that I'm not insecure or suicidal, I used to think I was ugly because of my weight, I wanted to die, because me my mum never got on there was no relationship between us,every area of my life was a mess and I felt useless in society. But God showed me my life has purpose, that He loves me and I have to have faith in my abilities and love myself and rebuke all these thoughts the devil plants in my head. Now today I have His joy and His peace.  

We will always have battle life and problems, but it doesn't mean we have to drown in sorrows, God said let the weak be strong Joel 3:10. So we are strong no matter what we always pick ourselves and show the devil he can't mess with us. There's many Christians who are down and depressed because the devil is mentally bullying them. And this needs to stop many Characters of the Bible, who are the fore fathers of our faith like Gideon, Job, Joseph, Hannah, Esther and many more could have sat and been depressed and let their problems swallow them up. But they used their faith and concurred their blessings. So if I can do it, they did it, you can too. Pray, fast, rebuke the evil even speak to people about what you're going through but thing is for sure you can overcome. Here are two testimonies of friends of mine who find Christ and over came their sadness.    

Well, I was in a relationship when it had began. I had health issues that I was too afraid to tell anyone about, so I ended up lying a lot. By the time it had gotten to a point of me wanting to tell the truth, these lies had built up severely and so my boyfriend was incredibly hurtful towards me. He mentally abused me with foul words, yet always demanded that I spent my time with him. I thought he was just being honest out of love, but I didn't actually realise how much it was hurting me. The mental abuse turned into self hate, which turned into depression. My depression was so severe that I had began missing work and college. I had also spent weeks away from home, not contacting my family, not bathing, I just wanted to be with my boyfriend all the time because I thought he was the only one who loved me.
This mental abuse got too much, I couldn't handle all the lies and everything. As I was already on medication, I took all the pills that were left, alongside any other meds I could find... It clearly didn't work as I am still here. I wondered what it was that had kept me here. I always told myself I'd never attempt suicide but there I was.
During that time I was going church but not really taking it in. The one time I chose to pay attention, my eyes were open. I had been in such a mess that I didn't feel I could get out of anything, I didn't feel change was possible. I had hurt so many people that I wanted to get away. So I turned to God. I was told that I could do all things through Christ who strengthened me and that if I seeked the kingdom and all of His righteousness I would be able to get my life back together in time. I was stripped of everything and now I have it all back. My confidence, my strength, my love for myself and others. It was all God! I'd advise those who are suffering with depression to try and tackle it from the core. Mine was my boyfriend and so I cut him off. Also, have that one person who you can confide in. Everyone needs someone. Trusting in God during the storm is the most important.

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:23‬ ‭ESV‬‬

He never breaks His promises. Never. Give it all to Him. He may break you down, but Him being the foundation of everything and do has given me a life I could only dream of before. Not everything is perfect, but I know it's in control. I'm in safe, capable and loving arms.
Anonymous, 19, Finchley

Basically, in secondary school I was bullied. I was neither the prettiest nor the slimmest female in school and on top of that, I had (and still have) a lisp so I sounded like a child. Because of how intense the bullying was in high school I developed a temper as a way of self defence. By time it got to year 9, it got to a point where my behaviour was disrupting my studies, I was on report for the whole year and my parents got to a point where they gave up on me. They were screaming abuse at me. I felt so unwanted and attacked by the world that I was ready to leave. There were multiple times when I have picked up a knife and wanted to just cut myself but something stopped me going through with it. Then at youth in my church,  we had a girls meeting and they showed us this thing called God's love letter - different verses from the bible that tells girls who feel insecure that they are worth it. That was the first time I felt like God was telling me that He loved me so much and that He has so much planned for me but I am letting the enemy win. From then I slowly began my relationship with Christ - even though I have been going church all my life, I never felt like I had a proper relationship with Him. He was starting to help me and give me strength to carry on walking but I ended up falling again and got myself excluded from school. One time I went to my friends church and while we were praying, I just burst into tongues and started crying, I didn't know what exactly I said but I knew from my heart that I just opened my heart to how I felt about my life and how dark it was and that I really needed Him. From there, God gave me patience, strength and love towards myself and all the negative people in my life that they stopped attacking me (directly). I felt myself growing and from then I started my full on walk with Christ. I knew that if God can take me out of that situation that lasted from year 3 to year 10 then he can do so much for me. I went from wanting to lose my life to gaining life in Christ.
My advice to any Christians battling depression and suicidal thoughts is that God is always with you. You feel like He isn't doing anything in your life right now but He is blessing others and it is making you feel like you are not worth it when you are. Don't let the enemy consume you; he will only comsume you with you let him. Your fellow brothers and sisters in faith are always here for you, speak to them and ask them to pray with you. When two or more gather together and worship, extraordinary things happen. Open your heart to God and tell him exactly how you feel, somtimes He is waiting for you to confess everything from the bottom of your heart for Him to work, even though He is working in your life now but you don't know it. However, you should thank God that you actually had enough strength to remain alive today. He gave you that strength to carry on walking and you just don't know it. Never ever give up.

Simone, 19, East London

Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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