Tithe Is A Christian Fundamental
Looooooool it's so funny that many, many Christian fail to follow simple Christian concepts that make and break their spiritual life, from staying pure till marriage, to fasting to even tithing, which I will speak about today, to be fair and brutally honest it even says in the Bible that those that don't give tithes and offering are robbing Him, wow stealing!!!! Malachi 3:8. This idea that it's man made and it's a scheme from the church to take your money is complete rubbish and ignorant. IT'S NOT!!!! Tithe is spiritual not physical, it's a sign that whatever money comes into your hand you separate the first 10% and give it to God, that you put Him first.
I've debated with many people, family members about tithing, and what ever they've said to me has come in one ear and out the other, IT IS IN YOUR BIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's in black and white in the scriptures, why would you argue it? If we do not tithe we are robbing God, and that is the worst person you can rob, if any Christian it doesn't follow this it says a lot about their faith and their relationship with God. To me if you can't tithe then it's like you're slapping God in the face, He blessed you with that job to make your money, He gave you life, He brought us into this world, the least we can do is give thanks by giving our tithes and offerings, I'm sorry all the money in this world is God's who am I to say or anyone to say they shouldn't give? Like I said it's not physical it's spiritual we are showing God He's first and he's first priority. Those who don't tithe are cursing their lives, those so many cases where people have suffered or gotten ill from spending their tithes. This happened to me when I wasn't tithing properly money would go missing, and the job that I was in, everything was going wrong, I spoke about this to my pastor, he asked if I tithed, I said yh but he made me realized I wasn't tithing properly as I wasn't tithing my whole wages. Once I was my financial was blessed and everything that was going wrong was going right. Tithing is such a powerful thing. Any one can tithe whether you're on benefits, work or you receive little. "But I receive so little I can't give this to God" Whether it's little or big God is not looking at that, he's looking at the quality never the quantity, you can be rich and give God crumbs as if He is charity and give God your last 10p. God will bless the person who gave their last 10p even more because they gave from their heart and gave their best just like the widow who gave her last two coins then rich people who gave God left overs in Mark 12 41-44.
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