Be Revolted!

Since becoming a Christian, I've learnt that I have to be revolted a angry, Christian, because the devil is lurking ready to destroy me, to destroy you. When you hear the word revolt you think of anger, rage, violence, but the revolt that I'm talking about is the one that Gideon had, when he spoke to God with boldness and asked Him if God was with him then where are his promises and God used him to beat the Medianites, the same revolt David had when he beat Goliath and the same revolt that Abraham to have the child him and his wife Sarah were yearning for. All these men didn't accept their situation, they knew they served God and they knew their rights before God to have a prosperous life.

This is the same revolt we need to have, we serve a Great God so we deserve a Great Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For too long us as Christians are not seeing the promises of God, because we are too content, too content with the broken down relationship, too content with the dead end job that pays us peanuts even worse makes us miss church on the Sabbath and so on and so fourth. God didn't put us in this world to be broke, depressed or to be borrowing, He said we should be the head and not the tail Deuteronomy 28:13. He said we should be lenders not borrowing meaning people should come yo us for help and beg for our assistance not the other way round Proverbs 22:7. What makes me sad and angry as I pray this to God every night, how can His Children who serve him, abandon the world, sacrifice, tithe give and offerings are suffering & living miserable lives with one problem to another, yet the children of devil who don't care and mock God and live their life are rich, driving the best cars and living the best life. There are more than 8,000 yes 8,000 promises!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the Bible yet we can't even see 10% of that????!! This is wrong this is why we should be revolted, angry Christians, because it's not right! We should be living better lives than people in the world, not that we are better than them, but because we serve a living great God, and we live our lives on the spiritual sword which is the Bible that has an abundance of promises.

I don't know about you, but I want to see the promises of God in my life, if we serve Him, we are obedient then why not? I'm not saying now that you're going to be angry with your family who treat you badly, angry with that boss who bullies you at work or go and seek revenge on that partner who treats you bad, but you be revolted with Satan who's using them to get to you, you be revolted with Satan for trying to mock and violate you be revolted with that situation/situations that's ruining your life. Sometimes us Christians it's like we let Satan and the worries of life get us down and make us depressed. No!!!! This is not how it should be, we pick ourselves up and we speak to God with revolt to change the situation in your life, you tell Him what you want with boldness because it's your right, just like as we have rights as humans in this world, we have rights as Children of God to have a successful life, and demand Satan that he will never have no hold in our lives. Listen guys whether you're Christian or not, I don't care who you are, your past, your colour, your cultural background be revolted with your life, if you want to see a change then you must be revolted. Look at every successful person in life they only succeeded when they were revolted, they used that revolt to turn their situation around and they are the success they are to you, the same can happen to you, use your revolt as motivation to change your life around. If they can do it you can to SO GO ON BE REVOLTED AND FIGHT FOR WHAT IS OWED TO YOU! Just like the devil used those men who did those attacks in Paris, just like the devil is using many and causing so many world disasters, let's come together in revolt and pray for the families in Paris, Pray for the things that's going in Japan and the world. Because innocent people are dying, innocent people are having their lives destroyed by the enemy, so lets come in revolt, rebuke the enemy and pray for God to touch and save the world.  

Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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