Christians Must Pursue A Love Life

This may be rich coming from me, someone is well let me rephrase that "WAS" "anti-love", "pro-single" but God has really opened my eyes about pursuing a love life, for the last 8-10 years I've always had a negative look on love (many of you know this loooool), and was even ready to die single people would tell to me to believe and look for a woman but I was stubborn and ignorant in my own arrogance, because I felt all females were demons, gold-diggers or just out here to hurt me. I've been cheated on by my ex, I've lied to, used and abused even worse a girl has accused me of trying to force my self on her. But it was on Monday I realized that this is wrong for me to think like that, and we must wait till God's time If we choose not to pursue a love life it shows we are being rebellious, because this is what God wants from us as it states in Genesis the Lord never intended for us to be alone Genesis 2:18. And while we're are waiting on God we should be molding ourselves to be the ideal fit for our future bae. Many people in the world including us as God's children demand this and that from the other party while we bring nothing to the table. That doesn't make sense, being single is not a bad thing society  puts this idea that we have to find love, quick and fast, and date the whole world. WRONG!!! I disagree with this as Christians the bible teaches us to court (date to marry) but those values have gone in today's generation, it's like we all like to be in a situationship or be talking to this and that person that doesn't lead to anything. Then we are quick to blame God, be bitter or even worse let the devil make us be insecure. It's so worrying that many Christians I speak to can use their faith to graduate, find a job, restore their broken family. But when it comes to our loves lives we have a stinking attitude and give up which is wrong. After salvation the most important area of our life is our love life, this is why God made the concept of the institution of family, and that He will provide, notice how God gave Adam, Eve because He knew man cannot be alone, he cannot have all those blessings one can have and no one to share it with. That's why I'm a big believer God has someone out there for everyone. If he had Eve for Adam then He has someone for you! But it's us to pursue the right person in the right way. Some of us are single because we hold onto the insecurities and the baggage, insecurities ARE NOT FROM GOD!!!! Okay we all doubt but when we are deeply insecure that's when we are giving room to Satan to plants all sorts in our minds. That's why many Christians are defeated, so let go and LET GOD heal, let Him heal that betrayal, the sexual abuse, the hurt, the harsh words that was said to you. Because if He can touch my heart and make me believe then He can do the same for you. 

   Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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