We Must See The Totality Of God

If you/we serve God with all our heart, are obedient and are faithful and He doesn't bless us then God is a lie!!!!!! He's just like every other "god" that takes and doesn't give back. And since being a Christian and seeing Gods work in my, my family and my friends life, I know it's not true. Sorry to start this blog with this statement, some of you may think I'm crazy or even arrogant. But think about it with me if there are more than 8,000 promises, 8000!!!!! Why can we not see at least 10% of them coming in to our lives? In this blog I'll explain to you why. 

One reason why many Christians don't see the totality of God's promise is because we don't fight for all the areas in our lives to be blessed. We convert and become saved then we forget about our  family, our financial life, love life career and so on and so fourth. This is a big mistake I've seen many make they neglect their personal life by always being in the church, getting themselves too involved with the spiritual things,and think God will do Harry Potter and magic their blessings!!!!! WRONG? which is not bad because our faith comes first but if we are going neglect our careers, health, love life then it's a route for disaster,  In order for us to get unbelievers to believe in Christ it's through our lives. How can we preach about God if we are always sick, we are broke and our life is a mess? No one will believe that there is a great God if our lives is not great. This may sound harsh but we as Children of  God are lead by the spirit those who are in the world are lead by sight, so if they don't see God's blessings then they'll laugh or even worse don't listen when we try to bring them to Christ. Okay our lives will never be perfect but we must have testimonies and many, if there's no testimonies, people will not be moved to come to Christ. Another reason why most Christians don't see the fitfulness of God is because we concentrate too much on our physical life and neglect our spiritual life. Which is suicide the word says we must seek God and everything else shall follow, Matthew 6:33 God blesses those who are faithful and put him first. God wants us to put our all on Him and depend on Him so we can blessed. We forget that our spiritual life is an investment to our physical life, what we put in is what we get out, what we give to God is what He will return to us.

Like I always say, being a Christian is about having balance, please don't read the first two paragraphs and think that you have to do one thing than the other. But our faith has to have balance we can't be to cold, neither too warm. We can't be too fanatic or too extreme all I'm saying is once we give our life to God every area of our life has to blessed of course it's a hard thing to do, but as long as we are fighting and we are ready for our lives to be glorified for God glory. Then it's possible God chose you, us, me to be fishers of men, Matthew 4:19 and spread the gospel to the lost sheep. And best way to that is by having a successful life and seeing the totality of God in our lives. 



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