Kirk Vs Kanye, Judging Vs Discernment
When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?"
Matthew 9:11
You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord's table and the table of demons.
1 Corinthians 10:21

I look at this picture and I'll tell you what I see, I see a man of God sowing a seed, I see judgmental eyes casting him with stones, I see contradiction and I also see a division in Christianity.
In this blog I'm gonna break this debate where this picture broke the internet on Sunday, and write why I put these two verses and why we as Christians need to take notes from Kirk Franklin and be careful who we hang around with. Let me give my two pence before I break it down, as Christians want to be self righteous and judge Kirk Franklin while others think its okay/wrong for gospel and circular artists to mix on musical projects. I believe Franklin had the right intentions but did it in the wrong way. I say this because when I heard Ultralight Beam from Kanyes new anticipated album TLOP, the song talks about having faith and God saving sinners there were some contradictions, I think it's wrong for you to make a song about faith and have swearing and curse words, also I think its wrong to make a Gospel song and have a self imposing angle and this is what I got from the song. Down the years Christians have been debating whether it's okay for gospel artists to make songs with mainstream artists, I think its okay as long as the content is positive, motivating and educating. "But so and so sins, so and so is not of God" So what?? I know the Bible says we should separate from such people but doesn't same Bible say we shouldn't judge and embrace others, if we are going judge music by the artists who make it then we certainly shouldn't be listening to gospel music, because, sorry but not sorry to burst so many Christians bubbles 95% of your favorite gospel artists are either demon possessed or not spiritually well, I won't name and shame but their testimonies are clear to see, you know who they are but I'll never judge because their music has helped my faith, does that mean we should stop listening to their songs? No Because their content is positive and is not corrupting you. If we're always going to discern by someones Characters then they'll be a lot of things that we normally do we shouldn't do. Kirk is doing what Jesus did, he hanged around with sinners and preached the gospel to them Matthew 9:11 this is what he's trying to do with Yay, he's sowing a seed and trying to bring him to Christ because by judging by Kanye's antics since his mum passed away, his latest tweets and reportedly being 53 million in debt he needs Gods intervention right now. But on the other hand you can't sit on the table of this world and table of God is the mistake that Kirk made, you can't make a gospel song when theres foul content in it, Kanye's probably doing it for own his gain, we cannot mix with the wrong people so we can fit in to look "cool" and this is the mistake him and many gospel artists make they mix with these mainstream cats and do what they do, when there supposed to be drawing line. 1 Corinthians 10:21 But whatever we make off it this goes to show once again how divided as a faith we are we, don't agree with how someone lives their faith we stone them, we don't agree with how someone interprets the word we judge them.Where's the love? Wheres the unity? We should be bold enough to go to unbelievers like Kanye West and preach and show them the path, instead of judging and disowning them like their peasants of society. Just because someone sins differently don't judge them just because someone has a different opinion on the gospels who are you to judge and condemn them?
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