The Invisible Enemy

Why's it that as Christians some or even most of us, we love to quarrel? We quarrel with love ones, we quarrel with each others faiths, we are always fighting someone when we are taught to love, even though they are the opposition we have to love our neighbors as we love ourselves Mark 12:31. Having said that like I always emphasize our issue is with Satan and his army not close ones, that annoying colleague or who ever opposes us in this life. It's a spiritual war we are fighting not a physical ones so lets stop beefing and lets violate the devil as he is the one troubling you. Sometimes it's not even the person opposing you its Satan using them to get to you.(A trick that normally gets many Christians me in included.) One thing I noticed is that I take things personal and I'm very argumentative (well used to be lol.) How does that look on my testimony if I'm known for having enemies? That's why these days I pray or try to defuse the situation because we need to love everyone and not tend hold bad feelings. Because Satan wants us to fight everyone, Satan want's us to be paranoid and want's us to think that people are against us. So we fight and rebuke the enemy. That's why for me I can honestly say I've mad peace with everyone I've had an issue with, some chose not to make peace, amen and I pray for them. Pray for your enemies because it shows how pure and humble you are not to hate. Because many people will not like us and will have an issue with you that's life we won't be liked by everyone and that's not our business. Our business is to be loved by God and know how deep this spiritual battle is I know what and who we are up against.

Here are some tips into avoiding quarrels.

1) Calm down and think before you react, when you do this you'll realize to rise above the situation.

2) Always go to the root of the conflict and find out what the issue is when this is done, more time or not the situation can be sorted easily.

3) Pray and rebuke the devil if there's a drama and pray for the person and that you don't despise them.

Since doing these steps in my walk, I tend to get in less drama and realize this one of Satans traps to get me, remember our beef with is the devil not our fellow human beings!!!!!!!! You may say "They do this and that to me, you don't know what they did." But if Jesus can forgive Peter for denying and those that crucified Him on the cross how much so us for people who have done much less then the harsh treatment our Lord got?

 Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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