Top Distractions In Church

As you can see from the verse up top we must pursue God and draw up our sword (courage/determination) and serve Him to the best we can. But that's more and more harder in this day and age with our flesh become stronger, gadgets, social media and are hectic lives in the way. Even more so when we come to church, here are my top disturbances in church and how to keep focused when you're in house of the Lord.

1. Coming Late
For me I feel as if I've murdered someone when I've come late to church the conviction I get, which is a very bad habit in our walk, it shows God there's no effort in our walk yes things happen, but I'm talking about those who come on purpose and do it constantly, coming late distracts other members as they see to wonder who came in late, it's even more annoying where the person who comes late, does a fashion walk to the nearest seat at the front which again throws everyone's attention off. To avoid this if you're coming late try to sit at the back to take the attention off you and if one is coming late try not to wonder and be nosy and keep focused on the sermon. Remember Satan will use any tactic to distract you not being in spirit.

2. Adlibbing  When The Pastor Is Talking
This is pet peeve that I have, when ever a member in my church does this I want to turn into the black Hulk and kills the person, but thank God the Holy Spirit gives me patience lol. Talking when not being asked, during the pastor is preaching is rude and distracting, shouting "amen" and doing adlibs as if your P Diddy or DJ Khaled in a rap song is very irritating, yes you are moved by the message and the sermon is fantastic but say it in your head. This behavior is uncalled for and we are not in the market, if the Pastor asks for your input then give it please tone it down, I noticed the mostly elderly do this lol. Remember talking over or talking while someone else is speaking is RUDE!!!!!!!!

3. Phone Ringing
We are all, well most of have this addiction and a glued love like a fat kid to cake with our smart phones, yes our lively hoods are in these devices but please please, give God and your fellow worshipers some respect and SWITCH IT OFF!!! You will live with out your phone for a few hours. If me of all people whose always glued to their phone like a drug addict yearning for their next fix can do it, so can you! Or even better put it on silent or airplane mode. It's very distracting when your phone or the sound of the notification pops up, its really jarring. I don't know why ones phone is on unless you use your phone for the Bible app or Jesus is calling you, and I highly doubt that. A phone ringing off can dampen the mood of the dynamics of the sermon and someones attention span. You wouldn't have your phone on or use your phone if you had dinner with the Queen, why should it be on in the house of the Lord?

We can be here to the moon comes up with many things that disturbs us, like fidgeting, people who can't stay in one place and make a scene walking around, kids crying and playing about, and so on and so on,  but these were the ones that really happen a lot in churches. Please as I always emphasize lets have the up most consideration for God and our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. God created us and gives us so much blessing the least we could do is give Him respect and consideration.

Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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