The Worst Rejection Ever

We all know that feeling of rejection too well, that company that said they won't hire you, being friendzoned or the sports coach telling you, you never got into the team and all sorts of rejection. That is a walk of life that we have to endure, which should motivate us Christians to strive and do better, but to die and for the Lord to reject you, that will be the worst ever!!!!!!!!!!!! As it says in the above verse many people will debate and claim they went to church, they read the bible they did A to B in their church. But that is not enough, we have to have a relationship with God, we have to born of water and the Spirit of God, we have to be consistent in our walk, that's what defines our faith. Many (Christians) are "Lost in the sauce" as they say, yes some of us go to church and do their Christians deeds but are far from the faith, many are in the world then in church, that's why very few will be saved, and left behind when He comes back. "This is just a scare tactic" "I'll serve the Lord when I'm older" many will ignorantly say. I'm not here to scare anyone as this is a scary topic but we need to wake up and stop playing church, lets stop warming the seats of our congregation, lets stop using the church as a bus stop to hell. Because none of us want to die for Jesus to say he never knew us. You may live right by god but we must be persistent, because whats we become complacent and proud we become lust so keep going inn this fight!!! This is is what motivates me, because how can I serve God and then perish in hell? Lets examine our walk, cut off whats takes us away from God and let heaven be our final aim and goal, yes we have targets such as having a family, having a great career but what's the point in gaining all of that and loosing our salvation? Like it says in Matthew 16:26.

Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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