Rejection Makes The Testimony Sweeter

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How many times have we prayed for something and we didn't get what we want, but God had something better? Lol its so funny because we always forget how God is set up, there's been many cases like this in the Bible. When Abraham wanted a son so badly he slept with his maid out of desperation and made Ismael but it was Isaac who God wanted to give. Remember the story of Job who lost everything but God gave him double. Or Even Gideon who moaned about the captivity he and his people were in and even questioned God where is he? All these guys had the door closed for them but God opened a better door this is what we do we are so concerned and desperate for God to open that particular door we become frustrated, not knowing God has something better. This was the case for me for the last 6 years there's this company I've always wanted to work for I had an interview with them two weeks ago, the week previously I was praying and fighting, doing purposes for God showing I'm using my faith only to last Wednesday waking up to not getting the job. (Baring in mind the interviewer came 30 minutes late kmt.) I was disjointed and I told God it is what it is, I'm not happy but let your will be done, so I got ready for Bible study during the seeking of The Holy Spirit my phone was ringing (How embarrassing lol) So after the Bible study had finished it was a company saying they have a contract for me and they have my application baring in mind I had an interview with them, the day previous. See how God is sometimes we put our trust in Him, He'll always deliver, do you want to know why my blessing was from God, because I told my friend the story and she had told me that, that company I was fighting for underpays people lol, so imagine if I had got the job? it would've been hell. But lets not lean in our own understanding and let God bless us remember what we want, God wants better and will give us better.

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