The Devil Targets Some Christians And Scared Of Others

                                Image result for “When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation.” (Matthew 12: 43-45)
The devil wants our blood!!!! Some Christians sad to say, he doesn't bother with because he knows they're in his hands. Satan wants those that are in the faith or even have the potential to grow far with God. Those who are lukewarm and ignorant to His words are making the devil and his minions clapping their hands at them. Ask yourself this "What Christian am I, one that is making the devil angry or one that is making him smile at me?" Because like the above verse says the devil, if casted out and rebuked comes back with 7 more demons. This is our fight with Satan to be far from the kingdom of hell, denying out flesh, saying no to the the things of this world and not compromising our faith. This is how we fight him, don't be the majority that's conformed to this world but be the minority who serve God with their all and are stamping the kingdom of the devil. Satan's biggest target is you, me, the church and Christianity, its evident to see as the faith is getting more lukewarm, as pastors & church authorities are involved in scandal after scandal, Christians want to do their own will and many servants are turning Christianity a faith that is based on truth and facts into a fanatic religion that they want to base on ignorant opinions and being lead to what we "feel" like doing. Like Ephesians 6:2 says our fight is not with man its with the principalities of Satan. 

Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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