Sexual Purity Is For Everyone

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What makes me sick to my stomach is this sexist agenda that goes on Christianity that it's only females that's meant to stay pure for marriage, which is wrong because God put this emphasis on EVERYONE!!!!!!!! I've seen many pastors and evangelicals lead many astray and put this emphasis on women, which is wrong where's the emphasis on the men? There's not many that's why there's men and even sadly many male Christians doing as their please because there's lack of guidance. Yes just like in the verse above and many encounters where women were more scrutinized for sleeping around more than men, for that which I don't know why that is, but the Bible also shows the consequences of men that did give in to their flesh which is even more reason why men must stay pure as well as women. Many people have this wrong perception that Christianity bashes women, which I for one think is wrong and I'm here to say what God expects of woman, He expects of a man too, our God is the God of Justice, He will never contradict his word neither is He a misogynistic. So ladies, my beautiful queens, you great servants of God who are pillars of the Christian community follow what God want's of you, not this sexist society that want's to push their double standards on you. No one has to right to judge your past or present just as the Lord says no one has the right to cast their stones at you if they're not perfect themselves, sin no more, this last message is to the men as well!

Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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