Christian Rap Is Not That Bad!!!!!!!!

Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on his opinions. For one person has faith to eat all things, while another, who is weak, eats only vegetables. The one who eats everything must not belittle the one who does not, and the one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does, for God has accepted him. Roman's 14 1-3 

As a Christian rap advocate (as I call myself lol) I get sick and tired of the older generation and the church slandering Christian hip hop. This is one of the things I hate in the Christendom our faith judges the book cover, without reading the book! As the saying goes don't judge a book by it's cover.

I started listening to Christian rap around 2007 to 2009 as someone who made the conscience decision to stop listening to most of the mainstream music in today's time as I believed alot of it is demonic, worldly and doesn't correlate with the things of God as alot of Christians do in the beginning of their faith. I decided I was going to listen to predominantly gospel music. a friend in college and in church introduced me to UK and US rappers Lecrea and Guvna B, when I listened to them I fell in love, I was in awe. I was looking for music I can relate to as someone who loves music from pop to rap to rock, I never quite found gospel music I could vibe to yes Kirk Franklin, Don Meon and Mary Mary are gospel icons but their music as great as it is, never hit my soul. Then I started listening to UK and US Christian rap and I related to them guys in an instance here I saw artists who are my skin colour, guys who are from deprived neighbourhoods like I was, guys who made music and it's content of the struggles I went through. Don't get me wrong I like Christian worship but I can't relate to Shackles or Stomp lol. 

For years there's been criticism about the new genre where guys like Lecrea and Andy Mineo have wondered into the mainstream, guys using profane language or Christian hip hop artists saying wild opinions that conflict with the faith. But there was no outrage when Mary Mary were cancelling shows, or putting guns on their ex boyfriends, there was no outrage when Mali Music was allegedly having an affair with a married Jenifer Hudson. We cannot judge a genre because of it's synonyms, not all rap is bad, it's not all about drive by's, rocking jewelry and sleeping around. We do not judge Christian rock music because mainstream rock where heavy metal fans worship Satan, slit their wrists or eat bats like Black Sabbath frontman and reality TV star Ozzy Osbourne did so why do we judge Christian rap? This is my gripe with Christianity we judge too much, we live in our bubble and write off things that's not in the conventions of Christianity. Jesus never judged He was open minded and tried things out. I'm not saying you have to love CHH but don't judge it and brand them as Holy thugs that are in durags praising the Lord. God used Saul who killed Christians who became Paul one of the greatest evangelists of all time, God even used actor Mel Gibson who was allegedly abusive to his wife and kids & racist to direct Passion Of The Christ the greatest Christian masterpiece of all time. God can use anyone, anything and any platform. Just because an artform has negative connotations doesn't mean it's 100% bad!    

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