Let's Honour God In This Lockdown


Honor the LORD with your possessions, And with the firstfruits of all your increase Proverbs 3:9

As we enter another lockdown, God is calling us more than ever to serve Him as the world is in a pandemic where we don't know when we're coming out of it, the world is getting worse and the end times as Revelation's, prophecies is near and near. With no church and more live streams it's time for us to step up, it's time for us to make our homes the church and be stronger in our faith more than ever. 

The devil is licking his lips and rubbing his hands together, because he knows this is an opportunity to trap many Christians, make Christians doubt if God is real. This pandemic is hitting everyone black, white, poor, rich, celebrities, big companies that's been around for 100's of year's, we are all like Job where we are in a rot, but just like God blessed Job 100 fold, He will do the same for us. I won't lie I fell into many of his traps in the last lock down I sinned, I became lazy and very cold in my faith. I got so low my family members noticed as I was in a downward spiral in my spiritual life. But before church was invented people served in tents or people would serve in the streets in the biblical times. Like the saying say's if life gives you lemons make Sprite. What I mean by this saying is we have to make things happen in a restricted time, yes we can't go to church but that's no excuse to slack in our faith.   

I had a conversation with a good friend of mine and he was telling me a lot of people in our church have left the faith and it really broke my heart. This lockdown will be full of distractions, trials & tribulations and hard times, where we can have the excuse to leave the presence of God or very be idle with the distractions of the internet, social media and streaming platforms. But we cannot fall into the booby traps of Satan. There's so much we can do in this pandemic like watching & reading more Christian content, watching church live streams, if any of you go to a church where they don't have a live stream then please watch my Churches very  one on UCKG Live on Youtube or Facebook live at 10 am on Sunday's, we do many other services for more information please contact me on my details below. Let's fast, let's pray for ourselves, the world and our close ones and let's do our devotions. As we are working from home, being Furloughed or not working unfortunately like myself there's more time to serve God. God is really going to see who is really about their faith and whose not. More than ever there's no excuse to slumber like I did in the first lockdown. 

 Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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