The Lust's Of This World

For all that is in the world the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions is not from the Father but is from the world. 1st John 2:16

I've been thinking to myself lately and I don't know why, maybe it's God revealing Himself to me. That no lust is worth our salvation, it's all temporary pleasure everyone in this world is looking for that thing that brings them happiness, a high or that sense of belonging. But to break it to you, only the Holy Spirit can give that to you through the 9 fruits it brings as Galatians 5: 22-23 mentions.

Have you ever been in that predicament where you fell into lust?  You had a few minutes of pleasure, then you have that clarity of feeling crap knowing it wasn't worth it then we repent this is what the devil does he want's us to believe that this sin, whether it be sexual immorality, greed, taking drugs or taking part in the secular things of this world will make us so happy but the happiness will wear off liked faded jeans. I'm not here to attack anyone because I myself have struggles against sexual lust in the past few years even though I'm waiting till marriage. I'm here to be transparent and not lie because if I tell you guys not to feed into your lusts but I struggle with mine, then I'll be leading you astray and the blind can't lead the blind. There's been so many times where I fell into sexual immorality, I felt so dirty and ashamed of myself. It was like the devil and his demons were throwing a party. As I've been thinking lately as I mentioned previously that it wasn't worth it why put our salvation at risk? For a few moments of pleasure that never last. 

Why do you think there's so many addicts? Because people go to these things to get an edge, to feel wanted, a way of escapism and to feel happy, but it's not worth it as they keep going back and back. We're living in times where it's easy to fall into lust, it's easy to feel worthless, that we are willing to do anything and everything to find happiness and peace. Money, drugs, alcohol, food, people and whatever gluttony you have of something will never put you at peace, many of us as believers are feeding into our lusts and there's so many warnings God can only give us. The Holy Spirit will  fill that void that's in you, Jesus will heal you for, that healing you're looking for, lust is like food shopping, you can buy in bulk but you will always have to top it up as food/it (the lust) will eventually run out after it's course. Let me give you guys some food for thought like Matthew 16:26 why gain the whole world but end up losing your soul, is it really worth it? 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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