
Showing posts from January, 2022

Don't Be The Pharisees Or Self-Righteous Christians We Complain About

A naive mistake a lot of Christians make is that we moan about the bad things we see other believers do but then do it ourselves which makes us hypocrites, today's blog will be about not becoming the self-righteous and pharisaic Christians we moan about.  We moan about the scandal that goes in the church by the church leaders, yet we are involved in a drama/conflict in the workplace or our respective social settings, we moan that other Christians are judgmental yet we judge our managers, celebrities or people who live differently to us, we also judge people who do heinous crimes yet we sin too, you see where I'm going with this?  Look at Matthew 7:5 you want to point out someone's shortcomings, but we need to look at our comings. How can you hold someone accountable when we don't hold ourselves accountable? How can we point a sin in someone when we are all sinners? No one is perfect and thanks to God through His almighty grace, we are forgiven because we can't throw...

Your Sin Will Make Or Break You

  We live in a generation where sin is justified and looked over by many Christians, where Christians think we'll be Scott free and not be held accountable for what we do, but contrary to what Progressive and "Woke" Christians say this is just a way of the devil to trap you or you'll break free from it and be the strongest Christian you can be!!!!!  Tbh for the past couple of months, I've been doing things that have been a wedge between myself and God, I knew these sins were wrong but you know the saying when you desire guilty pleasures your heart beats your mind, I let these sins break my faith now I'm on the path to redemption and gaining my faith back and I only know now "what doesn't kill you will make you will make you stronger" please my fellow believers don't be like me and let your sin dominate you for years and make you lukewarm, be like heroes of the faith like Paul who was once Saul, Jethro or the thief on the cross who gave himsel...

Your Ministry At Home Must Be Right Before Your Ministry Outside It

When people think about ministry, people think about a well-groomed/well-dressed preacher on the pulpit, but we don't have to be pastors, bishops or reverends, when you're in Christ you are a minister, bringing people to your church is ministry, talking about the gospels of God is ministry, being right with God is ministry. But the ministry at our home must be right before the one we have outside of it.  I think about the above verse for this blog and what sticks out to me is that a lot of believers, I include can sometimes give a bad advert to Christianity in our homes, workplace or wherever in our community, this is why Timothy says we must bring the gospels and be a testimony to our home or we worse as those who don't believe, hence why the saying "Charity must begin at home" correlates well within this verse. Yes we want to spread the gospels to the four corners of this world and make disciples as Matthew 28:19 tells us to, but let's start at home, in our...

Is It A Sin To Listen To Secular Music?

The longest, draining and most tiring debate in the whole of Christianity, the argument that has been around for a while in today's blog I'll be answering the most asked question in the faith.  It goes back to last week's blog when I wrote about if partying is a sin, I'm going to give the same answer I gave last week, it's down to your discernment and listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit, I listen to a lot of secular music but I try to listen to songs of substance and that edify my spirit and if it doesn't I don't listen to it, it boils down to conviction of the Holy Spirit and if the music edifies your spirit. If it's a negative influence on you I suggest you cut it off, in my faith I've had to stop listening to many artists because they have a negative and demonic influence on my life.  To conclude this is not a yes or no answer. As with many evangelical leaders and Christian institutions may tell you. Some music is not good for your soul, som...