Is It A Sin To Listen To Secular Music?

The longest, draining and most tiring debate in the whole of Christianity, the argument that has been around for a while in today's blog I'll be answering the most asked question in the faith. 

It goes back to last week's blog when I wrote about if partying is a sin, I'm going to give the same answer I gave last week, it's down to your discernment and listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit, I listen to a lot of secular music but I try to listen to songs of substance and that edify my spirit and if it doesn't I don't listen to it, it boils down to conviction of the Holy Spirit and if the music edifies your spirit. If it's a negative influence on you I suggest you cut it off, in my faith I've had to stop listening to many artists because they have a negative and demonic influence on my life. 

To conclude this is not a yes or no answer. As with many evangelical leaders and Christian institutions may tell you. Some music is not good for your soul, some are even though there's some foul language or rated R content. As Christian, we must test the spirits for ourselves 1st John 4:1. It's all good listening to the pastor and Christian content creators who make up these Illuminati and cult conspiracy theorists (This will be a blog for another as I can't stand them lol) online but what is your soul saying to the music you listen to and what is God telling us about the music we listen to? 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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