Your Sin Will Make Or Break You


We live in a generation where sin is justified and looked over by many Christians, where Christians think we'll be Scott free and not be held accountable for what we do, but contrary to what Progressive and "Woke" Christians say this is just a way of the devil to trap you or you'll break free from it and be the strongest Christian you can be!!!!! 

Tbh for the past couple of months, I've been doing things that have been a wedge between myself and God, I knew these sins were wrong but you know the saying when you desire guilty pleasures your heart beats your mind, I let these sins break my faith now I'm on the path to redemption and gaining my faith back and I only know now "what doesn't kill you will make you will make you stronger" please my fellow believers don't be like me and let your sin dominate you for years and make you lukewarm, be like heroes of the faith like Paul who was once Saul, Jethro or the thief on the cross who gave himself to Jesus before they died on the cross, where they turned away from their sin that made them new before God instead off being broken by it!!!  

I know it's all easy to say turn away from sin but let's be honest, we can lie and deceive the world in what we are doing is wrong, but when we're alone we know that when we receive conviction from the Holy Spirit that what we do is so wrong and that we need to repent, we've seen stories in the word where people's lives and souls went to hell where their sin broke them, and we all see examples where people turned away from the sin and were made new before God, it's either we pick one or the other we can't have both. 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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