Don't Be The Pharisees Or Self-Righteous Christians We Complain About

A naive mistake a lot of Christians make is that we moan about the bad things we see other believers do but then do it ourselves which makes us hypocrites, today's blog will be about not becoming the self-righteous and pharisaic Christians we moan about. 

We moan about the scandal that goes in the church by the church leaders, yet we are involved in a drama/conflict in the workplace or our respective social settings, we moan that other Christians are judgmental yet we judge our managers, celebrities or people who live differently to us, we also judge people who do heinous crimes yet we sin too, you see where I'm going with this? 

Look at Matthew 7:5 you want to point out someone's shortcomings, but we need to look at our comings. How can you hold someone accountable when we don't hold ourselves accountable? How can we point a sin in someone when we are all sinners? No one is perfect and thanks to God through His almighty grace, we are forgiven because we can't throw stones at other peoples glass houses when we need to look at our own glass house. 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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