The Pathway To Heaven

This is a story of what our salvation could look like, as much as it's a fictional story I want to emphasise why we need to be saved and have salvation. 

John Smith, 34 died on April 12 at 3.07 am in his sleep, cause of death? Natural causes his soul enters the kingdom of heaven where there's a long queue, where everyone awaits their judgment to see if they're in the Book of Life. An anxious John looks nervous as he doesn't know where he's going. 

God: Hello John Smith I'm so glad to see you. 

A confused John Smith looks at God and his angels. 

John: You Are? 

Angel 743 and Angel 645 look at each other 

Angel 743: He's so nervous and tense, that he doesn't know he's about to join us in heaven. 

God looks at the Book of Life, he finds a certain page and beams with joy 

God: Haaa John Smith!!!!! Yes here you are 

John looks confused. 

John: I'm in the book of life? But God I wasn't worthy. I had my sins, I got angry, I overthought, I overindulged in food God, I didn't have time to repent, I needed to save my colleagues, my family. What about the homeless ministry I and the church were planning? 

God: John you held yourself accountable and you tried, you served me which many did not and for that reason you're saved, you tore loyal go me hence why you're going to heaven. 

John: I'm not worthy, I'm a sinner who had so much to do are you sure you haven't mixed me up with another John Smith? 

God: You're modest but too modest you remind me of Abraham and Noah, speaking of which they're excited to see you. 

John: These guys want to meet me????? I've studied them for a long time and they want to meet me???? 

God: Of course why not you showed great faith while you were here on earth. 

God summons a big 220000-inch golden screen, He clicks his finger and the screen magically switches on, it shows clips of John repenting, evangelising, giving food to the poor and going to the hospitals to visit the sick. 

God: Good and faithful servant which the world lacks, you did exceedingly well!!! you're off to join me in heaven. 

John looks at God and cries with Joy, he kneels sobbing. He starts praising God, God looks on smiling. Angel 743 and 645 go to pick him up. 

Angel 743: You don't need to do that, let's send you up to your mansion. 

A golden pod shoots up Angel 743 and Angel 645 escorts him to it, God clicks his fingers and these golden and crystal clear stairs appear. He walks up, while he walks up the stairs John's pod shoots up and God looks on in pride. 

God: That's my servant this is what I do this for, all my work is worth it, Angel's you coming? 

Angels 743 and 645 run up the stairs and join God, God puts his arm on both of their shoulders and all 3 walk up the stairs. 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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