What You Do In The Darkness Will Come Out In The Light

You can hide something for so long it will eventually come out, Cain killed Abel, even though God knew as He is all-seeing and all-knowing Cain tried to hide it, Adam and Eve disobeyed and when God confronted him, he tried to throw Eve under the bus, there are plenty of examples of many people trying to hide their sin, and it got exposed. 

Whatever you do in the darkness will eventually come out the affair one is having, the other married party will find out, you steal you'll eventually get caught, you commit any type of fraud the police will eventually catch you, I say this to say, why live in secret with your sin when you can be free in the open with a clear conscious? We all know that whatever we're doing is wrong and you can only hide so much for so long, you can lie for so much but eventually, you'll be caught red-handed like a celebrity caught up in a scandal they've been trying to hide! 

Even if you're never caught, spiritually God knows what you're doing and it can affect our salvation!!!!! Remember the worst type of punishment is not being in jail or caught, it's not having a clear conscience or worse being in hell remember the truth shall set you free if you're not free you're stuck.

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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