A Letter To The Youth

Dear Christian to youth.
To whom this may concern, whether you've been going to church, experienced in the faith or you've recently given your life to Christ at a young age, I write this letter to you. The best time to give your life to God is at your youth, because you'll be destined for a great future believe me, no disrespect to the elderly but God can only do so much with them, compared to a youth who is energetic, lively and strong, not that I'm saying the elderly people are useless, but once you past a certain age life is over it's better you give your youth now then years later when it's too late! God loves the youth, the youth are the pillars of the church, the backbone of society and the future leaders of tomorrow. It makes my heart so happy seeing young people going in for Jesus, leaving this dead and corrupt world behind. But I'm here to warn you, your life will not be a bed of roses and if God is not in the centre of our lives our life will be a mess. God has put this in my heart and to share my testimony as I gave my life to Christ when I was 16, but I never took God serious till I was 25 9 years down the drain where I could've grown and be used greatly, I was kicked out of my churches youth group 4 times, 4 TIMES!!!! I was rebellious at home, and to top it off I was following the things of this world. Please don't try to be that "cool Christian" so you can fit in to society because It will mess up your walk with God, and your testimony will bear no fruits & they'll be no difference between you and the unbelievers. Please guys don't do what I did in my faith when I was young, value your youth group, take your walk with God serious, I've been arrested, I failed all my GCSE's at school even snaked my own family members for girls but I don't regret none of them, of course I prayed and repented for those mistakes but what I do regret the most in my 26 years of life was that I wasted my youth warming up the seats in church being a lukewarm Christian, and showing a bad testimony to God. Listen the music of this world is trash DELETE THEM!, cut it off, the celebrities and musicians that you follow and idolise that don't care about you or that you love off, some of these same stars and possessed by evil and are in demonic cults idolise Jesus, or the icons of the faith. People like Job and Abraham have done more than what a silly reality TV star and average drug dealing rapper can do. We need to take God serious now! Because we don't know when we will die, for example there was a 23 year old male and a 17 year old teenager who lost their lives last week and the week before, to stabbings and BOTH WENT TO MY CHURCH, WERE IN MY FORMER YOUTH GROUP. From what I heard they never took God serious, they were in and out of the church, many people told them to take God serious they despised their chance, Only God knows where their souls went? I'm telling you if you guys idolised Jesus like you idolised Beyonce, Drake, Erica Meena, Cardio B and all these pointless celebs you would move so much far ahead in your life. I'm not here to shade you, or shame you I just don't want you ending up like me, realising I wasted my youth knowing you could've given God more in your youth I have to live with this regret for the rest of my life, it haunts me even to this day, even though I've given my life to God and I'm a serious Christian now, that "what could've been" regret still lingers and upsets me, I can't cry over spilt milk as they say but I can ponder. Be that youth society can look up to, that your friends, family and work colleagues can respect. Be that youth that makes the difference in your church. Let's let go of the raving, social media, worldly music that boy/girl that we flirt and have a pointless relationship/situationhsip and let the Holy Spirit work in you. I love you all because God can use us greatly we have so much potential but the devil doesn't want you to be successful or in the body of Christ. P.S to anyone who attends the VYG (my churches youth group) please don't despise this prestigious opportunity, it's such a great platform I've seen this youth institution save my friends and many people close to me lives, listen to what your pastor and youth leader says, stop being like many who come and are joking with the Holy Spirit don't be like me and many people I was in youth group with, some were even my friends getting kicked out, in this and that scandal every other week, because many of these people have left God, gone back to this world and not to judge there life is a mess, a real misery, take your chance TODAY! take it serious and let the VYG UK break through and destroy the work that devil is doing with this young generation in this country. If I could build a time machine like Rory Mc Fly from Back To The Future I would and go back to the day I joined youth group and do it all over again and take it serious, but I can't. Wake up guys before it's too late.
Your's sincerely
Ayo "A.B Photography" Balogun
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