We Must Have The Spirit Of Job

Before you break my neck or you are going to be shocked lol, with what I'm going to say, but God will test us or allow us to go through bad things/times to tests our character. Because it's easy to serve and praise the Lord in happy times but in sad times many where it's very difficult and most give in crawl into a pity of emotions. In the verse above God tested Job and he passed the test with flying colours!!!!! Even when he lost everything his children, his business he even became sick but in midst of all his struggle. He was still firm in his faith and this is how we are meant to be. Crying and being depressed or even being pessimistic is what the devil wants from us, so he can drag us out of the kingdom of heaven. For example I'm pretty sure it was him that was using Job's wife to tempt him to curse God, and Job didn't. Job 2:9-10 spiritually speaking there's many "Job's wife" in our lives there's that friend, colleague or family member telling you to give up or stop believing in God when you shouldn't. Because God has got your back!!! The same God who had Gideon's back, who had Abraham's back and many icons of the Bible.

The partner who left you, that you're crying and depressing about God has better, that job that you lost God has a better one, that exam you failed, God will make you pass the next, etc, etc, etc. As Job was saying in these verses above the Lord will give and He can take away meaning. God will take that good thing and GIVE US A BETTER THING. One example was the case of Abraham when he told him to sacrifice Isaac God tested Abraham like I said He would in the above verse, and if we pass the test we'll get better, so God gave Abraham the ultimate upgrade by making him the father of faith, the father of nations!!! Genesis 17:4 So when we sacrifice and endure in our faith God will upgrade our blessings by much more. 

Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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