There's a Difference Between God Understanding and Knowing

"God knows" "God Understands" These are excuses many Christians make when they do not do what is expected or required of them in their faith, and it really jars me to the core, if you don't want to do something then say and own up to it, I'm not just talking about your faith but in all aspects of your life, excuses is another way of the devil distracting you and taking you away from the kingdom of God. It's always "God understands" when we miss a sermon on Sunday, when we fall into sin or when we are being corrected. God knows our situation doesn't mean He understands it, for example He knows that you're tired from that long shift you did at work the night before, it doesn't mean He's going to understand that you used that as an excuse not to pray before you go to sleep or go to church the next day. That's where we have messed up as Christians we confused knowing with understanding.

Remember like I said in a blog I wrote a few months back about us having priorities for God, we must have priorities in our spiritual life, we can make time for studies, for family for work and other commitments, then we can make time for our Lord also, remember we need to seek first the Kingdom of God and everything else shall follow as this is echoed in Matthew 6:33. How would you feel if God said he's too "busy" to bless you or to help you in your time of need and He said "You understand"? You would feel rejected so how do you think He feels when you put your job, your life and whatever before Him? Remember we need to prioritise our faith before we prioritise everything else Matthew 6:33 Emphasises this.

Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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