"Happy New Year" Or Just Another New Year

First of all, before I get down to business, I would like to start of by thanking everyone who has read my blogs through out this year, this blog page has had over 20, 000 views I really appreciate it, I'm happy that this blog has helped many people. And may the Holy Spirit continue to use me writing blogs and helping & teaching people. I didn't think I would be doing this for long but I did. This year I told God ,when the year started I wanted to be in his presence and be firm in my faith because if not I'll leave the presence of God and go back to the world , now I am, I told God to reveal to me what and who is bad for my spiritual life so I can cut them or it off and I cut it off. Because I had this revolt that this can not be another year where spiritually we're not moving forward. As I said to my spiritual advisor, my pastor whom I spoke with today and my fellow Christians in a prayer group chat that I'm in, on What'sApp ,that 2016 has to be the year where we have to progress spiritually because if we are not, why are we Christians? The devil is upping his game and is going in, in the kingdom of hell is growing by the minute, so how are we still on the same level? It's unacceptable, very very unacceptable, just as Satan and his boys are upping the level and really destroying the world we need to up the levels spiritually and destroy the work of evil. The calender year changes so should our lives, more so our faith. How can we talk and preach about Jesus if our life is dead, our faith bears no fruits and we are dry? We can't that's why we can't let 2016 be another year, then come December 2016 we are moaning and being ungrateful and saying "This year was rubbish, blah blah" If we didn't do anything about it? And another thing us Christians need to stop doing is being lazy and complacent, we make too many excuses why we can't give more to God , and why we don't serve Him with all our hearts? It really annoys me WHEN I see this lack of zeal for the things of God this is why it took me so long to take God serious 9 years wasting time in the church and not growing, lets stop bantering with the Holy Spirit and taking God for Kevin Hart, it's either we give our all to God or we go back to the world and serve the devil, we can't be lukewarm, Christianity is not a game this is real life taking God seriously and giving your all to our Lord is the difference between you blessing and cursing your life, is the difference between those who are blessed and those who have a mediocre life. 
I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas lets give and pay homage to Jesus on this faithful day, and not get caught up in the festive season, because it has nothing to with God, Jesus didn't die for Santa Clause, Eastenders Christmas Special and all this malarkey, I'm not saying to not enjoy or celebrate  the day, but have priorities and I'm not going wish you a happy new year BECAUSE I PROPHECY YOUR 2016 WILL BE THE YEAR OF EXCELLENCY!!!!!!!!
P.S Another thing I wanted to touch on this blog as we are going into a new year, lets start 2016 off blessed and in the presence of God, all this going to church on NYE, leaving at midnight to go to the rave to shake your tushy and getting drunk is wrong, I won't judge those who do it, because every person should live their movie, but and A BIG BUT this is wrong on so many levels, because the rave, the night club is of this world, what goes on in these places is wrong and demonic, would you guys do what pigs do when they bathe then go back into the mud? I assume you wouldn't because you're not silly we are all intelligent people, but this is what you do  when you leave the church at midnight or half way through the New Years Eve sermon and go to the rave, I'm not saying anyone is a pig because you're not, I'm using this as an example because by doing this you're getting clean with God, then getting dirty with the things of this world and the devil, it's like you're leaving the light and going back to the darkness. It's as if you're slapping God in the face!!!!!!! Start the year off blessed and in spirit and not drunk and in a mess. Like I keep saying in my blogs prioritize and know whose side you're on because you cannot serve two masters, you cannot drink the cup of God and the cup of demons as it states in Matthew 6:24 & 1st Corinthians 10:21 .  I'll see you guys in 2016 with more blogs and blessings.

Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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