2nd Chances

Contrary to what the media, society and others say I believe the criminals like the terrorists, thieves, rapists and even the pedophiles deserve a second chance. You may gasp and be shocked at what I just said but if someone has been punished for their crime they deserve a 2nd chance. If you read your Bible Jesus and God used many criminals, tax collectors who were robbing the taxes of the civilians and the prostitutes. Tell me who in this world is perfect? Tell me who in this life hasn't sinned or made mistakes? Exactly (waits for it.......) No One!!!!

God doesn't care what you're doing now, God doesn't care what you did in your past, if you're willing to change your destiny if you're willing to change your life and be a better person like Jacob, Samuel and Paul did. Then You're forgiven. Just because someone sins differently to you doesn't give you the right to gun them down and look down your nose at people. We are all sinners and we have inherited it since the days of Adam and Eve. Just think about it you put your shoes in the eyes of a criminal or those people who society considers as scum, you ask yourself how would you feel if you had eyes glaring at you.  Life is all about redemption, tomorrow is a new day to turn it around. I stopped judging people a long time ago, because I know what's its like to be given dirty looks, to be told I'll be nothing, for people to judge your past like many people on Twitter, in my church and some in family do. God looks past your mistakes and loves and wants to use you. As Christians even myself we don't forgive ourselves of our mistakes, I know this as I'm a perfectionist and I beat myself up when I make a mistake, but this is wrong because the devil want's to accuse and make you not worthy, but there's grace and repentance through Christ who saves us.

Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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