Black LIves Do Matter!!!!

What saddens me is that, a lot of pastors and especially Christians don't care of the police brutality that's been goes on,  I keep hearing "just pray about it." this attitude of  "just pray" is what hold back Christianity and gives Christians false hope that if we just pray, and fold our arms that police will just magically stop killing us, that we will get our blessings, WRONG, there's not many cases in the Bible where the heroes of faith just prayed and got what they wanted. Most people took action as the word says faith and no works is dead, James 2: 20. Am I saying as Christians to be anti white people and cause riots like what happened 5 years ago, or the stupid events that happened in Hyde Park yesterday? No I'm saying as Christians this is where we take our stand whether your black or not, that we fight, we fight the principalities that are behind this police brutality because I'm sure that the devil is at the root of this, as this his works!!!!! Protesting and marching in peace and not violently will be effective, going to authorities, raising awareness will help the cause, not just praying. The Bible, Jesus orchestrated that we must take action not just in this situation but in whatever we want in life, because there's so much praying can do, how many Christians have been praying and yet they never found the answer/dream they've been requesting for?

Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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