The Christians Who Disobey

Many Christians live depressing  lives and many sad to say will go to hell, because some of us lack one thing, and that is obedience. We serve God how we want, we sin and think we'll get away with it and worst of all we will justify it. How can God glorify the ignorant, the proud and those who want to live their life how they want? Why is Abraham the father of faith? Why did Job loose everything and gain everything 10 fold back? Because they obeyed. When we obey we see the fullness of God. Because God blesses His children those who obey and lay down their life for Him. The Bible says don't kill, don't fornicate but how many people have messed up their lives and are still reeling the aftermath of these sins? As Christians let's be obedient and profitable servants or we are serving God in vein it's His will or our will, it can't be both ways we cannot have our cake and eat it if you know what I mean. It's all good going to church, doing outreach singing in the church choir and so on and so fourth but if we are not taking up our cross and obeying God through the way we live our lives but if there's no obedience to God we are living our faith on thin air.

   Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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