Being Honest

Lies are sin, but its a bad habit us Christians make, yes it's something we can't help doing, if we want to avoid trouble, sparing someones feeling or to not look embarrassed. But the guilt will always linger on like a bad smell. I for one know this as I'm in situation where it will have a big effect  on my life. my future and wellbeing all because of a lie I told to save myself last week. I have to tell the truth even though there will be disastrous consequences, I rather have my conscience clean, now I can feel free, for the last few days I haven't been able to pray or seek God because I was living in a lie. If we continue to lie, we will become far away from God, I know this because I can tell you this I've experienced. Being honest, living legit and doing things the right way leaves no room for sin, or the devil to attack us, one of the main characteristics of being a Christian is being sincere, how do we expect to receive the blessings of God if we are not being truthful? Remembers guys lies are just short cuts and to keep a lie you need to keep on building on more lies, which you'll soon and eventually be find out as it says in the word what is hidden in the darkness it will always come to light. Luke 8:17

Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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