Christians Lack Reverence For The Things Of God

Do you remember in the Bible when Jesus destroyed and trashed the temple because the members turned into a market stall? Matthew 21. A lot of us Christians do this today we may not be doing cash and carry services in our community but we are doing this spiritually. 

I remember I was with my friends and some other youths and we were waiting for our youth service to start we were talking, laughing and joking until our youth pastor came in scathing and rebuking us mentioning Matthew 21, that we are doing what the people did in the above chapter, we realised we should've been in spirit and sanctified for the sermon. A lot of Christian's myself including can have no zeal or reverence for the things of God, How do we do this? We do this by purposely coming late to church, treating the church as a youth/social club if you want to socialise with our fellow church friends we do this outside of the church, when we litter in church, when we don't respect the things of the church, I.E misusing the church toilets, making the church dirty, we also do this with our spiritual lives when we don't fast, we don't pray, we misquote and blaspheme the Bible to suit our selfish agendas and last but not least when we don't look after our own Bible's they're dusty, there are all sorts of stains on your holy book really guys? How do we expect God to bless and exalt us if we can't even respect the things of God?  This is how we spiritually treat our faith like a supermarket just like the believers did in Matthew 21.

I'm not here to be in your business or criticise your faith, because I've done these things and could have more zeal in my life no one is perfect, I write today's blog because I want us Christians to do better, conduct our faith better because if there's no zeal then there's no passion in our walk with God, then we become auto-pilot robots as Romans 12:11 says "Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord." Sadly from this verse I've seen many Christian & evangelical leaders become slothful in their zeal and now they're ex Christians, remember like I said when something is not done with passion it's pointless. 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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