Money Is Not Always The Only Way Of An Offering To God

When we think of the term offering we think of finical donations, but an offering can be a lot of things it can be what we have our focus on, giving gifts to people on their milestones or what we prioritise in our life. 

James 2:26 echoes what today's blog is about, our faith that has no works is dead so in liegeman terms our faith is an offering, going to church, giving our offerings & tithes, being in a church group, bringing/evangelising people to Jesus, spreading the word of God, being baptised and whatever we do in our walk with God are all offerings to God it's not always the tithe and offerings we give in our respective churches, our spiritual life are reflections of our offering to God whether we are strong, lukewarm or weak in our faith. So as Christians let's give a great offering to God. 

When you think about when God sent Jesus to this earth to die on the cross for us, that was an offering, God creating this world was an offering to us and God blessing us with blessings in our life is an offering too. Our offering in our walk with God will determine whether we are saved or not, our offering to God shows how much we prioritise Him and what's in our heart. So every day let's do a self-analysis on what kind of offering we are giving to God. 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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