Top 5 Bad Habits We Need To Eradicate In Our Faith


We all have bad habits as Christians it's either they make or break our faith, turns others away from the faith here are the top 5 bad habits we need to eradicate from our walk with God. 

Being judgmental

We judge others who live in sin, or don't have the same faith we have, being judgmental is a terrible trait to have as we can put others of from giving their life to God, we don't look loving or caring when we judge others. 

Coming late to church

This is another terrible trait to have we are not late to appointments, work or meeting up with friends so why are we late for God?! Yes, things happen like being stuck in traffic but when you're constantly being late for God you are ruining your offering for God. 

Spreading rumours 

We've all been guilty of this including myself which I'm working on, spreading gossip can incur church hurt on others and make them leave the faith, if you hear gossip you can either ignore it, politely decline to have the conversation or just not spread it. 

Being too performative

A trait that irks my soul is being too performative like the Pharisee's were whether it's praying too loud in church/at home or oversharing your faith on social media in the word it says to be discreet that you shouldn't even tell people you're fasting in 1st Timothy 5:13-14 & Matthew 6:18. There's no need to be doing such, our faith should not be a secret but it shouldn't be something to boast about it, things should be done with grace and meekness. 

Being overzealous 

This is something that happens with more the younger and newer believers, overzealous is when Christians overdo it, they are too extreme and fanatic, they read into the scriptures too much, they believe everything is from the devil and they turn non-essential salvation topics such as listening to music and wearing certain clothes as essential issues, please like I said our faith should be executed with grace and moderation, our faith should be held with balance. 

These are the top 5 behaviours we must cut off from our faith, if we don't as I've previously mentioned we will become fanatic believers that will eventually leave the faith, we will put others from coming to Christ and we will be Pharisaic like the Pharisees were.  

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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