The "Best Church" In The World Doesn't Exist


As I was looking for a verse for this week's blog this verse stood out to me, as I read in another blog that God has to rebuke, correct and humble the church, just to put us in our place, to show we aren't perfect, sometimes as Christians we are proud and arrogant and why do I say this? Because we as Christians keep debating on who has the best church in the world? But there's no such thing 

In Revelations 2:5 the 7 churches in Asia were rebuked and held accountable because they got complacent, & thought they were doing well, until they were rebuked, and this is what I see today we get complacent in our faith, don't hold our pastors and church authorities accountable, but have the cheek to argue we have the best church in the world, if it's not Church A arguing with Church Q on whose the best, it's denomination vs denomination every church is great, every denomination is great who cares on what church is the best? Every church has their weaknesses and their flaws let's stop being proud and work on making our church better so we can save more souls, why do we have these petty debates about issues that's not a salvation issue? We should come together as faith and save nations, this is not the Holy NBA or the Champions League, where sports fans argue on whose team is the greatest, it's a faith, movement where we bring people to Jesus! We need to have priorities. 

Look at the Muslims, look at even the Free Masons they unite together and have a goal of bringing more souls to their faith, let us learn from their example, and come together no church that is perfect, there are pastors, unfortunately, exploiting, sexually abusing and grooming their members, there are members stabbing each other in the back, yes, not many Christians wants to hear this but a lot of churches are like Greenleaf in real life! Every church has their scandals because the church is like a hospital, there are people going for check-ups, there are criminals and all sorts of people who need help in healing, surgery or going to A&E, hence why people go to the GP or the hospital, is the same way whether we are members, pastors or church leaders go to church for a spiritual check up every week, to get a spiritual surgery or healing as God is the doctor of doctors, where there's a man there's scandal hence why this notion of the best church doesn't exist. 
Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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