Are You A Wise Or Foolish Virgin?

This has to be one of the best stories in the Bible, Matthew 25: 1-13 because it makes you ponder on what type of Christian we are? Let me break down the story for you 10 virgins were waiting for the bridegroom to come, the bridegroom represents Jesus the 10 virgins represents us the Christians, so 5 of them were wise they kept the lamp burning and had spare oil so when the lamp stopped burning they had enough oil to fill it, the foolish virgins didn't keep spare oil so they left it to the last minute to get oil when they had got oil they missed the bridegroom come and weren't let in, this will be many Christians who think we can live a life of sin, and give our lives to God later and live heavily in heaven which won't be the case, the oil represents our faith, I hope you get it lol? Because this blog will break down what type of Christians we are. 

Who represents the wise virgins? Are the Christians who kept their faith, stayed away from sin and had/have a relationship with God so when/if we die or the rapture happens we are saved and go to heaven. Who represents the foolish virgins? Unfortunately, the believers who think we can sin enjoy the bad fruits of this world didn't keep our faith and were/are far from God and in their last days or if the rapture happens they will give their life to God last minute, make repentance for the sake of being saved, God won't accept this and sadly these people won't go to heaven and won't be saved. 

I know this blog was quite weighty, and I wasn't trying to write or rank who and what is a bad or good Christian, I simply wanted to define what the 10 virgin parable means to us as Christians today, many Christians are keeping their faith and zeal for God burning and are saved, and will go to heaven while many Christians are far from God and think they have time to be saved, but we don't know when we'll die or when Jesus comes back, our faith is not some uni assignment that we can just write and hand in, in the last minute it's something we must keep and look after every day until we leave this earth you'll know if you're on the right or wrong path with God as the scriptures states in Matthew 7:15 - 20 "you'll know a tree by its fruits" You can't say you're a grape tree If you know you grow figs meaning you can't claim to be saved when deep down we know we're not!!!! We need to be wise virgins before It's too late!! Also, the scriptures say in Malachi 3:18 there's a difference between the wicked and the righteous. It sounds harsh but if we are not with God, we are wicked souls in the hands of the devil!!!! Which is a sad representation of the foolish virgins they thought had time and could leave it last minute but can't, the same mistake we Christians make with our faith and salvation. 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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