

Being a false witness is considered a sin, what is a false witness you may ask? Spreading false information or speaking on someone's true business, even though you were not there, is considered a sin in this world. 

We all know deep down we shouldn't be doing it, but we do it anyway I'll put my hands up and admit this is one of many things I struggle with, we don't like people gossiping about us, but yet we do it to others, this is not Christ-like before we want to gossip about others why don't we pray for them, help them or even go speak to them? We know how gossip has ruined many churches down the years and has made many leave the faith, so why must we take part in something so decisive in the Christian community? 

There's the saying don't throw rocks from your glass houses, don't throw rocks on that celebrity caught in a scandal, or that family member or friend that has an allegation against them, as Christians we should be fighting and praying for those gossiped about not joining in the chatter of speculation like I say gossip is not a "women thing" it's a human thing that needs to be eradicated from many bad habits we have especially in our community that has ruined many churches and believers lives. 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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