There's Only One God

Unfortunately just as the Pharisees and the religious leaders didn't like the harsh truth Jesus gave them in the gospels, neither does this society and that there's only one God he is the alpha and omega and the beginning and the end, how can there be other Gods when there's one creator? 

God created the world, the human race, animal God designed for us to worship Him and Him only, but the man decided to create their/our gods and religion when the only religion we should be following is one where we have a relationship with God, it's only God that can save us, take us to heaven and fulfil us, no disrespect to people religious and spiritual beliefs but what other faith can do what God can do, this is just a way of Satan dividing and conquering us from not following the one only true God. 

I don't want this to be a debate of "my God trumps your god" it's a mere cry out of me telling you guys the truth as the scriptures say, in Revelations it says they'll be all sorts of distractions taking us away from God, such as false gods, prophets and religions 2nd Peter 2: 1-3. But there's only one throne to one God. 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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