Pastors Make Money So What?

There's this lazy generalisation and stereotype that pastors are making money off the church, which is not quite true. Some church leaders are immorally profiting from the church but it's not all of them!!!!! 

Most pastors work or are entrepreneurs, so if you're wondering why they have a good life it's because they work hard for it!!!! Don't look at these honest men/women of God on the pulpit with malice, and if we are being honest if our pastors weren't prospering financially we wouldn't give them the time of day. 

Look at someone like Bishop T.D Jakes, an astute businessman who produces film & TV, author and delves into other things. Are you going to say he uses the money from Potters House (his church)? Should pastors be more transparent with their earnings and what the church makes? Maybe should we stop being cynical believers who think every church is out to take their money? Of course, because we can't paint every servant of God with the same brush!!!!!!! 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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