
"Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body" 1 Corinthians 6:18-20
One of the most toughest, controversial and critical subjects in Christianity, sex/fornication is everywhere, its taught in schools (It's my unpopular opinion that sex education should be banned, it's not teaching the youth anything, but to fornicate and live promiscuous and its ruining the work of God for the youths, parents should be teaching their kids about sex not the government.) It's in the media, it's all around the world. Why and who do you think that's because of? Not God but the devil himself, he's using sex to contaminate and ruin the world. And it's sad to say it's a sin that draws many Christians away from God. 

Marriage [is] honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Hebrews 13:4 
God created sex for MARRIAGE!!!!! So a man and woman can give themselves to each other after they made their vows. For me and probably many will agree and or even disagree there's no point giving your body away to anyone, that's not your married spouse! I'm sorry to be blunt but our bodies like the word says our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit!!! We are not respecting it by just sleeping around with anyone, it's not a free pretzel taster that you get at Westfield. No disrespect to anyone who has sex before marriage. But to me sex to me is so sacred and so special that we can't give it to any one. During humanity the devil has ruined God's creation and enslaved people where it's sad that many Christians justify why they fornicate, lust if we don't repent it will ruin our relationship with God or even take us to hell. As sin takes us far away from God. 

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear [it]. 1 Corinthians 10:13

"But God understands I have needs" God will not understand because he didn't make it for you to sleep around or abuse His creation. When people tell me this or hear this I automatically think of rebellion. And that's the problem with the faith today. To many of us want to do our will and not God's will, I'm not here to condemn or attack, people take time to cut over their sins. I understand that, but like I ask myself what's the point of enjoying minutes off lust that will make us feel guilty, dirty and take us far away from God? How many times when I did this and that with a girl and I felt dirty and I felt like scum to God? Because that's what this sin does, Satan entices us to do it, then makes us feel bad for doing such pleasure. How many people are burning in hell because they didn't want to let fornication go? How long will we as Christians put our faith at risks for sin that devil will use against us? I'm not here to play a saint or preach but I've abstained from sex my whole life, I'm 26 years old, people are amazed at this, and respect me highly, but it's not an achievement for me because this is what God want's from me so if I can abstain so can you! I'm not a robot I'm tempted, I have "needs" lol just like everyone else is but I know my worth, my body and my value is not cheap! And that's why am I waiting till marriage. I pray everyone who reads this can understand how powerful fornication is, it has ruined the world, families and many peoples spiritual life. I don't want it ruining anyone's faith because I've seen it destroy many Christians who have/had the potential to serve God with their all .   


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