God Doesn't Need His Content To Be Trendy And Cool To Attract The Masses


We as Christians need to come out of this mindset of thinking we have to be like the world to attract the world, yes this model may work in the advertising and marketing world it doesn't work with the spiritual things such as making spiritual content. 

Christians think we need a Christian Love Island, Christian Breakfast Club or whatever the world makes we must make to get as many people as possible to God, even gospel music has taken this cliche route to many gospel artists sounding like Migo's, Drake or Beyonce, this Is not what God want's!!!!! God wants us to be authentic, empathetic and enthusiastic when we are making content for Him! Yes, we can take ideas and concepts from secular content but we shouldn't try to be exactly like secular content! 

Today's blog is not all for believers it's mainly for Christian who create content for the kingdom of God!!! Jesus didn't confirm what was hot and popular when He was on this earth so why should we? This is why we are not being taken seriously because we are carbon copies of the secular world when we should be authentic as Jesus was. The content market is already saturated and diluted with copycats the work of the gospels shouldn't be adding to that. 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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